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£14.5m Luxury Surrey Development

Development Finance

For developers, the ability to source the correct funding structure can be the difference between success and failure. Rate and cost are certainly important factors. However, a ‘cheap’ lender that provides zero flexibility can be quite a costly option further down the line when issues arise on development projects. Planning and construction absolutely come with so many risks attached so partnering with the right finance provider is a key factor.

Structured Finance Advice for Developers

The P10 Financial team is experienced in helping property developers find the right funding solutions for property developments,

In this particular situation, we were competing to source development terms for our client who had already been discussing the project with a lender directly.  Our main objective was to deliver better-priced terms that allow the client to progress on their deal as planned at the correct time.

There are always issues to overcome on funding development sites. Still, the main thing that was making the deal slightly more complex than it should have been was due to the fact the capital values on this development were extremely high when compared to the rest of the area. This creates issues with not just credit policy but also valuations.

The main issue for the P10 Financial specialist team was to find a lender that could lend the net money required at the cheapest margin possible while delivering on the correct structure for the duration of the term.

Delivery for Our Clients

The solution we delivered was as follows:

GDV - £14,500,000

Net Development Loan - £7,000,000

Margin – 3.5% over SONIA

Lender arrangement fee – 1%

Lender exit fee – 0.5%

Exit – Sale

This solution delivered on all objections for our client:

  • Saved our developer £400,000 in interest & fees over the 2-year term

  • Allows the client flexibility to refinance to a term mortgage at 1.95% over SONIA once the work has been finished

  • Delivered a 70% return on capital

Lending for Property Developers

Do you need advice on how best to fund development projects? Are you looking for land opportunities for future development sites? Our specialists have years of experience and a growing network of landowners and specialist lenders. Get in touch to find out about future opportunities and to discuss your funding requirements. We would love to work with you.